Local authority
Both councils are committed to the preparation of the joint Local Plan for Greater Cambridge. The 2018 South Cambridgeshire Local Plan vision is that the area 'will continue to be the best place to live, work and study in the country; and that the district will demonstrate impressive and sustainable economic growth and; that its residents will have a superb quality of life in an exceptionally beautiful, rural and green environment'.
A key objective is 'to ensure that all new development provides or has access to a range of services and facilities that support healthy lifestyles and well-being for everyone, including shops, schools, doctors, community buildings, cultural facilities, local open space, and green infrastructure'.
Meanwhile Cambridge City Councils Local Plan (2018) vision for Cambridge is 'of a compact, dynamic city, located within the high quality landscape setting of the Cambridge Green Belt '
The key objective in its plan is to 'promote social cohesion and sustainability and a high quality of life by maintaining and enhancing provision for open space, sports and recreation, community and leisure facilities, including arts and cultural venues that serve Cambridge and the sub-region';
A number of major developments are planned in South Cambridgeshire and on the edge of Cambridge. This includes the new town of Northstowe, which will eventually accommodate up to 10,000 dwellings.
Delivery of the local plans would see at least 14,000 new homes in Cambridge, and 19,500 new homes in South Cambridgeshire.
The Greater Cambridge Playing Pitch Strategy was adopted in 2016. The key findings and stated overarching priorities are to:
- Improve the ongoing maintenance of existing pitches and provision of changing rooms.
- Provide 3G rubber crumb pitches strategically placed to support football clubs across the LPAs particularly for training.
- Ensure the sustainability of junior clubs by providing long term security of playing facilities.
County football association
Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire are covered by the Cambridgeshire County FA. It provides governance for, and development support to, all aspects of local football including coaches, referees, volunteers, clubs and leagues; supporting football for all. The County FA has a designated facilities investment lead officer who works to ensure the right facilities are located in the right locations.
Football Foundation
The Regional Engagement Manager and Regional Technical Project Manager at the Football Foundation work collaboratively with the County FA to provide pre-application support to priority projects for potential investment.