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Local Football Facility Plan Babergh



This Local Football Facility Plan (LFFP) has been prepared with support from local partners, including the County FA(s), the Local Authority, the Football Foundation, Active Partnership and Sport England. The list of groups we consulted with can be found in Appendix B. Every local authority in the Country has an LFFP to support investment in football facilities to be accurately targeted. Facility investment is not static and the plans are periodically updated to reflect changes and to ensure the right projects are prioritised.

Who is behind this?

The Premier League, The FA and Government's charity - the Football Foundation - that helps communities improve their local football facilities through grant awards.

What is the purpose of this plan?

The Football Foundation’s funding partners have significantly increased investment to accelerate efforts to deliver more and better football facilities for the grassroots game. The purpose of this plan is to identify the priority projects for potential investment in this area.

2019 Introduction
2019 Introduction 2

Why invest in football facilities?

As the nation’s most popular team sport, football has the power to contribute positively to vital social outcomes and health priorities. To maximise this power, facilities have to be welcoming environments to attract first-time users and repeat visits, whether for informal, recreational or competitive football.

Research clearly and continually demonstrates the positive impact high-quality football facilities, in the right locations, can have on participation and enjoyment. Latent demand exists, but facility quantity and quality has to ‘step up’ if football is to reach everyone.

How are we going to do it?

Since its creation in 2000, the Football Foundation has invested more than £1 billion to improve grassroots facilities across the country. However, in order for the Foundation to reach its goal of ensuring everyone has a great place to play regardless of gender, race, disability or place, there’s still plenty more left to do.

What are the priorities for investment?

This LFFP, with guidance from local partners, has developed a list of high level projects for potential investment, which include:

  • 1,000 new 3G Football Turf Pitches (FTPs): in a mix of sizes and settings, dependent upon local needs. All aimed at enhancing the quality of the playing experience.
  • 20,000 improved natural-turf pitches: to help address drop-off due to a poor playing experience.
  • 1,000 new changing pavilions / clubhouses: all linked to priority sites.
  • PlayZones: small sided facilities to create safe, inclusive and accessible facilities that bring communities together through recreational forms of football and a range of other sports and activities.

Key project outcomes/targets

The priority projects for potential investment identified in this plan will help develop a sustainable network of quality facilities to drive participation across all parts of the game. Central to this are five key success factors: quality, inclusivity, sustainability, engagement and usage. Each identified project takes account of these factors.

The project list sets out all priority projects for potential investment. The list will be used flexibly and does not determine the exact order in which it will progress to a funding application to the Football Foundation, as many factors influence this. The process for moving a project from this list and into the pre-application stage will be managed by the Football Foundation.

Multi-sport approach

Although Football Foundation funded projects will always be football led, there is an opportunity to make a real difference for other sports and for physical activity to take place on the sites. We want to be as collaborative as possible with our approach to project development and ensure that facilities are serving as many different sports and people as they can, as well as helping to tackle inequalities and support communities such as women and girls, people with disabilities & long-term health conditions, diverse communities and lower socio-economic groups.

Consultation took place with a broad and diverse set of community groups in the original LFFP, including with other sports bodies. It is a requirement that all projects that move through to application phase undertake further detailed community engagement to ensure that facilities fully serve the communities they are being designed for. This includes working with other sport NGBs to look at shared priorities and facility developments to get the best multi-sport outcomes.

How should this plan be used?

This LFFP will be the go-to document for football facility investment.

Whilst it identifies priority projects for potential investment, it does not guarantee the success of future funding applications. Each project must still follow an application process to show how it will deliver key participation and social outcomes, become a quality & sustainable facility and demonstrate suitable partnership funding.

When a project is in a position to proceed, the Football Foundation will determine a suitable timeframe to submit a grant application and pre-application support will be provided by the County FA and the Football Foundation.

Set a 10-Year vision to transform local football facilities
Identify priority projects to be delivered
Act as an investment portfolio for projects that require funding
Be updated on a regular basis

How should this plan NOT be used?

A LFFP is an investment portfolio of priority projects for potential investment - it is not a detailed demand and supply analysis of all pitch provision in a local area. It cannot be used as a replacement for a Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS) and it will not be accepted as an evidence base for site change of use or disposal.

A LFFP will however build on available/existing local evidence and strategic plans and may adopt relevant actions from a PPS and/or complement these with additional investment priorities.

2019 Introduction 3
2019 Introduction 4



Local area

Demographics for the area can be seen below:


  • 95,872 Current population (2023)
  • 101,204 Projected population (2041)
  • 27th most deprived out of 45 local authorities in the region
  • 212th most deprived out of 317 local authorities in England

Ethnicity data

  • Asian (0.9%)
  • Black (0.5%)
  • Mixed (1.4%)
  • Other (0.3%)
  • White (96.6%)

% of people that are inactive

  • Babergh
  • Region
  • England

*ONS data and Sport England Active Lives Survey

Local Football 4.png
guildford 2

Local partners

Local Authority

Local government is responsible for a range of vital services for people and businesses in defined areas, therefore the Local Authority is a key stakeholder in helping to deliver this plan, whether this be through the local planning authority, funding, PPS or community engagement. It must engage with it's communities and encourage community participation in decision-making, while considering the needs of people currently living in communities and those who will live there in the future. This engagement should translate in to the type of facilities that need to be built and for who.

County Football Associations

County Football Associations (CFAs) provide governance for, and development support to, all aspects of local football including coaches, referees, volunteers, clubs and leagues; supporting football for all. All CFAs have a designated facilities investment lead officer(s) that works to ensure the right facilities are located in the right locations. For further information visit the CFA website.

Football Foundation

Delivery Managers and Technical Project Managers at the Football Foundation work collaboratively with the CFAs to provide pre-application support and lead on the delivery of priority projects for potential investment. Facility Planning Managers (FPMs) will lead and be responsible for all aspects of strategic planning and will lead on refreshing of LFFPs.

Football Foundation Investment

76 Total grants
  • £6,003,819 Total project cost
  • £2,707,600 Total grant value
  • 27 Sites improved
  • 1 New 3G FTPs
  • 6 Changing rooms / pavilions
  • 7 Grass pitches improved

See Football foundation website for more info (

Grant data above represents total investment in the area by the Football Foundation.

Sport England

Has a network of planning managers who have a statutory role in the planning system to protect playing fields and provide consultation responses to planning applications relating to sporting facilities . They also play a key role in strategic planning for sports facilities, providing advice and support to local authorities to assess need for facilities in their local area.

Professional community club organisations (CCOs)

Supported by facility investment CCOs can offer a variety of programmes and services to support local communities (sporting and non-sporting). They run a variety of health, education, engagement, football and sporting activities within their local areas. Projects identified in the LFFP help CCOs support delivery on a local level.

Local consultation

Local consultation has taken place via the LFFP steering group and a local club survey, except where it is agreed that views have been captured elsewhere (i.e. through a Playing Pitch Strategy). Furthermore, it is a requirement and key element of project development that those which move through to application phase undertake detailed community engagement to ensure that facilities fully serve the communities they are being designed for.

2019 Local consultation 1
2019 Local consultation 2

Local football


There are over 110,000 community football teams in England, spread over an expansive network of clubs and leagues.

To deliver the goals laid out within the FA Grassroots Football Strategy for male and female football, there must be a vibrant, best-in-class club network around the country. The FA will work to encourage as many clubs as possible to achieve England Football Accreditation, assuring quality in everything they offer, including ever-safer and stronger player pathways. This will be coupled with a commitment to improve the quality of thousands of pitches up and down the country, with a particular focus on grass pitches.

Over the last 10-years there has been a significant national increase in the number of large multi-team football clubs. Locally, the following clubs have more than ten registered teams:

  • AFC Sudbury** - 36 teams
  • East Bergholt FC and East Bergholt Juniors FC1* - 26 teams
  • Hadleigh United FC** - 26 teams
  • Capel Plough FC** - 23 teams
  • Cornard Dynamos FC** - 23 teams
  • Brantham Athletic FC** - 20 teams
  • Holbrook Hornets Youth FC* - 14 teams

Represents England Football One Star (*) Two Star (**) or Three Star (***) Accreditation level.

Affiliated Teams

221 Teams
  • 42 Adult male teams
  • 8 Adult female teams
  • 87 Youth male teams
  • 19 Youth female teams
  • 4 Disability teams
  • 65 Mini-soccer teams

Source: The FA Whole Game System. Disability team numbers are also included within relevant age formats and therefore the total number of teams discounts this figure.


Leagues offer competitive opportunity for many different players, including women and girls, disability, youth and adults. The largest local leagues are:

  • Essex and Suffolk Border League – home and away
  • Ipswich & Suffolk Youth League – home and away
  • Ipswich Sunday League - home and away
  • Suffolk and Ipswich League - home and away
  • Suffolk Wots iCan Football League - home and away
  • Suffolk Youth Football League – home and away

Disability football

There are 9.4 million people in England with a long-standing limiting disability, illness or condition which equates to 18% of the population – almost one in five. Football playing opportunities should be flexible, inclusive and accessible for everyone, whatever their level of ability. This could entail inclusion in mainstream activity or teams/sessions specifically for people with a disability.

Comets is a recreational, pan-disability football programme for disabled boys and girls aged between 5 and 11. Pan-disability is the largest format of disability football, which sees players with a broad range of impairments and health conditions play together. Comets offers a flexible and inclusive way of playing, one that’s all about playfulness, friendships and having fun. For talented players the FA runs regional centres and England national squads. Projects identified in the LFFP help CFAs support disability football delivery on a local level, which will be identified through local community engagement.

2019 Disability 1
Disability 2

Women and girls

The FA’s strategy, titled Inspiring Positive Change, pledges to create a sustainable future for women’s and girls’ football in England. One key target set out was for 75% of schools to be delivering equal access to football in PE lessons by 2024. This target was achieved a whole year ahead of schedule. The strategy outlines eight transformational objectives, the following across grassroots football:-

  • Early Participation – Every primary school-aged girl to have equal access to football in school and in clubs.
  • Development Participation – Every girl to have equal access to participate for fun, for competition and for excellence.
  • Club Player Pathway – Collaborate with clubs to develop an effective high-performance, inclusive player-centred pathway.
  • Football For All – Recruit and support a motivated, diverse range of local leaders organising football for their communities.
  • Coaching – Support the development of exceptional coaches at every level of the game who are representative of our society.
  • Refereeing – Ensure that every female referee afforded high-quality bespoke learning and development opportunities from grassroots through to the elite game.

Education environments have a huge impact on the first experience of football for young girls. This pathway can offer many opportunities for females of all ages to develop and grow a lifelong interest in football.

In addition to the affiliated team data, The FA also has ambitious plans to roll out 4000 ‘casual’ football pathway programmes under the ‘Just Play’ banner including initiatives such as Wildcats, Squad Girls’ Football and walking football for women. FA Wildcats girls football centres provide the first step on the recreational pathway, the programme provides girls aged 5-11 with regular opportunities to play football in a fun and engaging environment. FA Squad Girls' football sessions provide girls aged 12-14 with a fun, non-competitive way to play football locally with friends, whether completely new to football, transitioning from Wildcats, or simply wanting to play.

For talented players, the Girls' Emerging Talent Centres (ETCs) across the nation are provided to increase and diversify the talent pool and give more girls than ever the chance to take their first steps on the pathway towards playing professional football. Higher level talent pathway opportunities are also provided regionally and nationally by the FA, culminating in the England Women’s national squads. Women’s Super League and Women's Championship teams provide player pathway opportunities for gifted and talented female players and a spectator interest for fans.

One catalyst for growth was the victory by the Lionesses in the 2022 EUROs finals. Female football is now growing at a rate of 13% year on year and it is imperative that there is sufficient supply and quality of facilities (both on and off the pitch) to meet this demand. By 2030 it is estimated that 21% of all teams will be women and girls' teams.

2019 women and girls 1
2019 women and girls 2

Casual football

Casual football is played where facilities are typically booked and there might be someone to help organise. Examples include FA Just Play sessions, walking football and casual pitch hire for match play. Casual football demand will be explored as part of the community engagement when a facility project is developed to ensure that the needs are captured. Each priority project that progresses to a funding application via the Football Foundation will produce a detailed site development plan specifying all football development activity, usage and key partner engagement. Each project must be mindful to offer opportunities beyond the affiliated game, particularly for women and girls.

Assets and opportunities


This section reviews existing football facility assets. It identifies current issues and presents opportunities for improvements, including a list of priority projects for potential investment.

Local assets and opportunities have been reviewed in line with four investment priorities:

  • 3G Football Turf Pitches (FTPs)
  • Improved grass pitches
  • Off pitch and ancillary facilities
  • PlayZones

To ensure a consistent and high quality approach, each local area has been reviewed applying a standard approach, supplemented by input from consultation with local partners and stakeholder organisations.

While each investment priority is reviewed individually, it is understood that they can be inter-reliant; account is, thus, taken of these potential connections.

2019 assets and ops 1

3G Football Turf Pitches (FTPs)

2019 assets and ops 2

Improved grass pitches

2019 assets and ops 3

Off pitch and ancillary facilities

2019 small sided 1


3G Football Turf Pitches (FTPs)


3G pitches are a high quality and indispensable part of modern football facilities; their impact cannot be underestimated. In recent years the industry has seen major innovations and improvements to artificial surfaces (and sports lighting). This has created playing surfaces that replicate a good standard natural turf pitch whilst significantly increasing levels of use. All 3G pitches must have sports lighting and offer a broad programme of community use to achieve this.

The high quality, consistent playing surface is the ideal environment to play the game and for young people to learn. With regular maintenance programmes, 3G pitches can be heavily used all year round with no decline in quality. They almost completely negate annoying fixture cancellations during winter months, helping football to be a key part of a regular physical activity habit. High capacity levels offer a great opportunity to embrace all formats and engage all participants. An 11v11 3G caters for an average of 1,200 participants per week and is suitable for various location types. That means being fully inclusive to all sections of the community, with a particular focus on women and girls, low socio-economic groups, people with disabilities and culturally diverse communities. The way 3G pitches are used allows for match play across all formats of football (5v5, 7v7, 9v9 and 11v11). This enables match play to be transferred from grass to 3G as well as being a fantastic asset for training. Only pitches on The FA 3G Register can accommodate affiliated match play (meaning they are quality checked). It is strongly recommended that all pitches are registered.

Although Football Foundation investment will always be football led, 3G pitches offer a fantastic opportunity to support other sports, particularly traditional grass pitch sports. Where appropriate, and through engagement with other NGBs, projects below will include potential multisport opportunities.

2019 3G pitch 1
2019 3G pitch 2

Assets and opportunities

There is one existing 11v11 3G FTP in Babergh at AFC Sudbury (King Marsh Stadium) and one small-sided (7v7) 3G FTP at East Bergholt High School.

AFC Sudbury (King Marsh Stadium) has recently been awarded grant funding from the Football Foundation for the delivery of a second 11v11 3G FTP, it is anticipated this will be built and in use in 2025. As this is confirmed for delivery, it is accounted for within the supply of pitches in Babergh below.

There is no up to date PPS and, therefore, demand for 11v11 3G FTPs has been calculated using the FA training ratio model 1:38 as the starting point with further steering group interrogation.

On the basis that there are 212 teams in Babergh, there is a requirement for 5.5 11v11 3G FTPs. There are currently 2.5 full sized 3G FTPs (when accounting for AFC Sudbury's second 3G FTP) in Babergh and thus a shortfall of three full sized 3G FTPs. Geographical shortfalls have been identified through application of the Babergh & Mid Suffolk Leisure, Sport and Physical Activity Strategy (2021). These shortfalls were confirmed to be accurate by the LFFP steering group.

Based on the above, a shortfall of one 11v11 3G FTP is identified in each of the following areas:

  • Brantham
  • Capel St Mary
  • Hadleigh

The RFU reports that both Hadleigh RFC and Sudbury RFC both have significant midweek training capacity shortfalls. One project is identified for the Hadleigh area and this may represent an opportunity for a multi-sport project to be delivered.

Currently, none of the existing 3G FTPs in Babergh require resurfacing. All are of sufficient quality to support continued football usage.

2.5 Existing 11v11 3G FTPs
3 New 3G FTP(s) required
0 Replacement 3G FTP(s) required

The FA has seen unprecedented growth in football over the last five years, particularly in the youth and women & girls game. Overall participation is estimated to grow year on year, equating to an additional 82 teams in Babergh by 2030, of which 30 will come from women and girls. This could represent the equivalent of at least two additional 11v11 3G FTPs, displayed as a future participation growth project below.

Allowances will be made for in the LFFP for ancillary provision for each pitch if needed, however this is subject to the final agreed location of any additional future provision and an assessment as to whether there are existing suitable facilities available.

82 Potential growth teams - all
30 Potential growth teams - female
2 Potential growth 3G FTPs

Priority projects

The following priority projects for potential investment are identified:




Location details:

  • New 11v11 Floodlit 3G FTP (1)
  • New Changing Pavilion (1)

Not known

Deliverability score

Very High (4/4)

NFFS outcome score


Overall score

93% (11.2/12)


There is a shortfall of one 11v11 3G FTP in Hadleigh.

Two potential site locations are identified which are Hadleigh United FC and Hadleigh High School. Both sites require a feasibility study to be undertaken to determine which is the most appropriate site. Hadleigh United FC (26 teams) will be expected to be the main user of the pitch and is an England Accredited 2* Club.

It currently operates two affiliated girls teams and it is expected that this potential project will be able to bolster its ability to increase participation for women's and girls within the area by providing equal opportunities to facility access.

Hadleigh RFC is understood to have significant midweek capacity challenges and any 3G FTP development may provide a multi-sport solution in reducing this issue.

Subject to exploration of potentially feasible site options, there may be need for the development of new or refurbished ancillary provision to support the development of a 3G FTP.

Project Focus

Adult female; Adult male; Disability; IMD / lower social economic groups; Mini-soccer; Small-sided informal; Small-sided recreational; Small-sided teams and leagues; Youth female; Youth male





  • New 11v11 Floodlit 3G FTP (1)
  • Refurbish Changing Pavilion (1)

Football club

Deliverability score

Very High (4/4)

NFFS outcome score


Overall score

88% (10.6/12)


There is a shortfall of one 11v11 3G FTP in Capel St Mary.

Capel St Mary's Playing Field is identified by the LFFP steering group as the most appropriate site for the delivery of a 3G FTP and it has planning consent approved to start development once/if funding is secured. The site is the home to Capel Plough FC (23 teams) which is an England Accredited 2* Club.

It currently operates five affiliated girls teams and one senior women's team and it is expected that this potential project will be able to bolster its ability to increase participation for women's and girls within the area by providing equal opportunities to facility access.

It is anticipated a pitch delivered at this site will also be accessible to East Bergholt Juniors FC (13 teams) which is an England Accredited 1* Club.

The site will require support to increase the capacity of its available changing provision to accommodate a full programme of use for the 3G pitch.

Project Focus

Adult female; Adult male; Disability; Mini-soccer; Pro-club; Small-sided informal; Small-sided recreational; Small-sided teams and leagues; Youth female; Youth male





  • New 11v11 Floodlit 3G FTP (1)
  • New Changing Pavilion (1)

Local Authority

Deliverability score

Very High (4/4)

NFFS outcome score


Overall score

87% (10.4/12)


There is a shortfall of one 11v11 3G FTP in Brantham.

Brantham Leisure Centre has been identified as the most suitable site for development by the LFFP steering group. The current site accommodates two grass football pitches which sit between a cricket square and is likely not suitable for development within the current site footprint due to the impact on cricket. It is working to acquire a separate plot of derelict land which sits adjacent to the Centre on Factory Lane which it would then develop into a 3G FTP.

It is anticipated the main users of the facility would be Brantham Athletic FC (20 teams, England Accredited 2* Club) and Holbrook Hornets (14 teams, England Accredited 1* Club).

Brantham Athletic FC operates four affiliated girls teams and two senior women's teams and it is expected that this potential project will be able to bolster its ability to increase participation for women's and girls within the area by providing equal opportunities to facility access.

A new facility developed on Factory Lane would require accompanying toilet facilities to support the pitch.

Project Focus

Adult female; Adult male; Disability; Mini-soccer; Pro-club; Small-sided informal; Small-sided recreational; Small-sided teams and leagues; Youth female; Youth male




Location details:

  • New 11v11 Floodlit 3G FTP (2)
  • New Changing Pavilion (2)

Not known

Deliverability score

Very High (4/4)

NFFS outcome score


Overall score

83% (10.0/12)


The FA has seen unprecedented growth in football over the last five years, particularly in the youth and women & girls game. Overall participation is estimated to grow year on year, equating to an additional 82 teams in the local authority by 2030, of which 30 will come from women and girls. This could represent the equivalent of at least two additional 11v11 3G FTPs.

Allowances have been made for ancillary provision for each pitch if needed, however this is subject to the final agreed location of any additional future provision and an assessment as to whether there are existing suitable facilities available.

Project Focus

Adult female; Adult male; BAME; Disability; IMD / lower social economic groups; Mini-soccer; Pro-club; Small-sided informal; Small-sided recreational; Small-sided teams and leagues; Youth female; Youth male

A project's overall score provides an indication of its potential outcomes and deliverability only (weighted twice as much towards the outcomes score). It does not impact the likelihood or level of any potential investment.

Priority 3G projects


Improved grass pitches


The Football Foundation is on a mission to transform the quality of grass football pitches across England, because great facilities enhance physical and mental wellbeing, strengthen communities and empower people.

The quality of football pitches is a huge issue for community football; 150,000 matches are postponed each year due to poor pitches. We are therefore on a mission to have 20,000 quality grass pitches across England so that everyone has a great place to play. Since the programme began there are over 7000 quality pitches and the next milestone is to have 12,000 quality pitches by 2028.

The key challenge is to create a sustainable approach to provide good quality football pitches for the long term. While the education sector and local authorities are still the principal asset owners of grass pitches, clubs and leagues own or maintain an increasing share and we will continue to prioritise investment into sites that are maintained by clubs or leagues. Investment into new or additional machinery and equipment is an important step towards sustainability for the voluntary sector. Ensuring eligible organisations can maintain their own sites, supplemented by contracted out major works (e.g. aeration) is a more cost-effective approach in the long term.

See the link for more information on grass pitches Football Foundation | Grass Pitch Improvement

2019 grass pitch 1
2019 grass pitch 2


Below is a list of opportunities and funding available to support this ambitious work:

PitchPower: PitchPower is the Football Foundation's free web app for inspecting grass football, rugby and cricket pitches. Using a smart phone or tablet, a pitch inspection can be completed at the touch of a button. This provides a detailed assessment report with recommendations on improving the quality of grass pitches. The PitchPower app is available to all pitch operators as a way to assess grass pitch quality and gain access to grass pitch improvement recommendations. See Football Foundation | PitchPower

The Grass Pitch Maintenance Fund: The fund provides eligible organisations with a tapered six-year grant to help them sustain pitches already at a 'good' level and enhance pitches that are either considered 'poor' or 'basic'. to be eligible, organisations such as clubs and leagues must use the PitchPower web app to assess their pitches. Grants are also available towards maintenance machinery and equipment identified through a PitchPower report. Football Foundation | Grass Pitch

Home Advantage: 87% of grassroots football is played on grass with local authority-owned pitches making up 60% of those used for the affiliated game. However, budget pressures often mean local authorities lack the resources to maintain their grass pitches to a high standard, contributing towards the thousands of match postponements every season due to poor quality pitches.

The Home Advantage Programme aims to support grassroots clubs and organisations to take on long-term leases of the local authority sites they play at. Click the link to find out more Home Advantage Programme | Football Foundation

The Football Foundation Groundskeeping Community: a free platform that helps connect people to expert grass pitch knowledge and support. The main objectives are:

  • To provide accessible learning resources to help further and extend knowledge
  • To connect with leading industry experts and peers, to exchange tips & insights with fellow volunteers & professionals across the country
  • To collaborate and build a community through case studies and discussion points

Sign up - Football Foundation (

Small grants: Grants up to £25k are available for items such as fencing and storage containers: Fencing | Football Foundation Storage containers | Football Foundation

Grass pitch sites with three or more 11v11 pitch equivalents


Off pitch and ancillary facilities


These can provide a number of different benefits. While the primary function is normally the provision of changing rooms to accommodate match-play and training (for players and officials), there can be equal value in facilities such as community and education rooms, catering facilities and spectator toilets.

Each project will take a progressive approach to pavilions and clubhouses (beyond the provision of changing rooms) and be open to new opportunities to engage the whole community. The process of community engagement once a project has been identified means the facility will properly service the local area and it's people, not just for football but potentially for other sports as well. It is essential to speak to female players as part of this process, as the game continues to grow at significant rates, suitable off pitch and ancillary provision for females is essential. It also means, creating environments that are welcoming to players, spectators, volunteers and officials from all sections of the community. See Football Foundation website for design considerations: Changing Pavilion Design Key Considerations | Football Foundation

Such assets should support other investment priorities (e.g. 3G FTPs and grass pitches) and be located at sites that will have the greatest impact on local communities. To ensure this, focus is given to sites with three or more 11v11 pitch equivalents. However, as pitch quality is the number one priority for players this is prioritised before investment in changing room pavilions and clubhouses.

Clearly, facilities need to be well managed and maintained to keep them in a good state of repair. Consideration will be given to reviewing the best operator solution for key sites and the installation of revenue generating features such as catering facilities and community rooms. To achieve this, business plan support will be given to each priority project as it progresses to an application to the Football Foundation. Where larger scale investment, such as those identified in this section, is not appropriate, small grants are also available to support upgrades and improvements to changing rooms, toilets and clubhouses. See Changing pavilions and clubhouses | Football Foundation

2019 clubhouse 1
Changing room 2.png

Assets and opportunities

Of the key grass pitch sites that support and deliver grassroots football, as referenced in the Playing Pitch Strategy and/or through the steering group, two sites require improvement/refurbishment and two require new builds/ replacement. Projects are included in this section where it is expected that new or refurbished facilities will contribute to strong sport and community outcomes, such as:

  • Large multipitch sites (often three or more pitches) with significant football usage and poor off pitch facilities;
  • A priority site for women and girls;
  • Club and community sites;
  • Sites with new 3G pitches.

No direct multi-sport opportunities are identified, however, Great Cornard CC formerly used Blackhouse Lane Recreation Ground in 2019 and there may be future opportunities for the site to be used for cricket in the future.

1 Require improvement / refurbishment
3 Require new builds / replacement

The FA has seen unprecedented growth in football over the last five years, particularly in the youth and women & girls game. Overall participation is estimated to grow year on year, equating to an additional 82 teams in Babergh by 2030, of which 30 will come from women and girls. This could represent the equivalent of at least two additional 11v11 3G FTPs

Allowances will be made for in the LFFP for ancillary provision for each pitch if needed, however this is subject to the final agreed location of any additional future provision and an assessment as to whether there are existing suitable facilities available. This is displayed as a future participation growth project below.

Priority projects

The list below identifies priority projects for potential investment.




Location details:

  • New 11v11 Floodlit 3G FTP (1)
  • New Changing Pavilion (1)

Not known

Deliverability score

Very High (4/4)

NFFS outcome score


Overall score

93% (11.2/12)


There is a shortfall of one 11v11 3G FTP in Hadleigh.

Two potential site locations are identified which are Hadleigh United FC and Hadleigh High School. Both sites require a feasibility study to be undertaken to determine which is the most appropriate site. Hadleigh United FC (26 teams) will be expected to be the main user of the pitch and is an England Accredited 2* Club.

It currently operates two affiliated girls teams and it is expected that this potential project will be able to bolster its ability to increase participation for women's and girls within the area by providing equal opportunities to facility access.

Hadleigh RFC is understood to have significant midweek capacity challenges and any 3G FTP development may provide a multi-sport solution in reducing this issue.

Subject to exploration of potentially feasible site options, there may be need for the development of new or refurbished ancillary provision to support the development of a 3G FTP.

Project Focus

Adult female; Adult male; Disability; IMD / lower social economic groups; Mini-soccer; Small-sided informal; Small-sided recreational; Small-sided teams and leagues; Youth female; Youth male





  • New 11v11 Floodlit 3G FTP (1)
  • Refurbish Changing Pavilion (1)

Football club

Deliverability score

Very High (4/4)

NFFS outcome score


Overall score

88% (10.6/12)


There is a shortfall of one 11v11 3G FTP in Capel St Mary.

Capel St Mary's Playing Field is identified by the LFFP steering group as the most appropriate site for the delivery of a 3G FTP and it has planning consent approved to start development once/if funding is secured. The site is the home to Capel Plough FC (23 teams) which is an England Accredited 2* Club.

It currently operates five affiliated girls teams and one senior women's team and it is expected that this potential project will be able to bolster its ability to increase participation for women's and girls within the area by providing equal opportunities to facility access.

It is anticipated a pitch delivered at this site will also be accessible to East Bergholt Juniors FC (13 teams) which is an England Accredited 1* Club.

The site will require support to increase the capacity of its available changing provision to accommodate a full programme of use for the 3G pitch.

Project Focus

Adult female; Adult male; Disability; Mini-soccer; Pro-club; Small-sided informal; Small-sided recreational; Small-sided teams and leagues; Youth female; Youth male





  • New 11v11 Floodlit 3G FTP (1)
  • New Changing Pavilion (1)

Local Authority

Deliverability score

Very High (4/4)

NFFS outcome score


Overall score

87% (10.4/12)


There is a shortfall of one 11v11 3G FTP in Brantham.

Brantham Leisure Centre has been identified as the most suitable site for development by the LFFP steering group. The current site accommodates two grass football pitches which sit between a cricket square and is likely not suitable for development within the current site footprint due to the impact on cricket. It is working to acquire a separate plot of derelict land which sits adjacent to the Centre on Factory Lane which it would then develop into a 3G FTP.

It is anticipated the main users of the facility would be Brantham Athletic FC (20 teams, England Accredited 2* Club) and Holbrook Hornets (14 teams, England Accredited 1* Club).

Brantham Athletic FC operates four affiliated girls teams and two senior women's teams and it is expected that this potential project will be able to bolster its ability to increase participation for women's and girls within the area by providing equal opportunities to facility access.

A new facility developed on Factory Lane would require accompanying toilet facilities to support the pitch.

Project Focus

Adult female; Adult male; Disability; Mini-soccer; Pro-club; Small-sided informal; Small-sided recreational; Small-sided teams and leagues; Youth female; Youth male




Location details:

  • New 11v11 Floodlit 3G FTP (2)
  • New Changing Pavilion (2)

Not known

Deliverability score

Very High (4/4)

NFFS outcome score


Overall score

83% (10.0/12)


The FA has seen unprecedented growth in football over the last five years, particularly in the youth and women & girls game. Overall participation is estimated to grow year on year, equating to an additional 82 teams in the local authority by 2030, of which 30 will come from women and girls. This could represent the equivalent of at least two additional 11v11 3G FTPs.

Allowances have been made for ancillary provision for each pitch if needed, however this is subject to the final agreed location of any additional future provision and an assessment as to whether there are existing suitable facilities available.

Project Focus

Adult female; Adult male; BAME; Disability; IMD / lower social economic groups; Mini-soccer; Pro-club; Small-sided informal; Small-sided recreational; Small-sided teams and leagues; Youth female; Youth male





  • Refurbish Changing Pavilion (1)

Football club

Deliverability score

Very High (4/4)

NFFS outcome score


Overall score

85% (10.1/12)


Blackhouse Lane is the home venue for Cornard Dynamos Youth FC. The Club has 27 teams and is an England Accredited 2* Club. It is identified that its existing pavilion which predominantly accommodates for youth football (including girls) requires improvement to enable it to be used as a suitable community space with appropriate toilet facilities and a catering offer for the site users.

The Club currently operates six girls teams from U10 through to U16.

The site was formerly used by Great Cornard CC in 2019. It is currently unused for cricket.

Project Focus

Adult female; Adult male; Disability; IMD / lower social economic groups; Mini-soccer; Youth female; Youth male

A project's overall score provides an indication of its potential outcomes and deliverability only (weighted twice as much towards the outcomes score). It does not impact the likelihood or level of any potential investment.

Priority projects for off pitch and ancillary facilities




Good facilities are important to all small sided football players, but it is important to understand the different formats of the small-sided game, the audiences and the various facility types they relate to. Research suggests that small-sided players in teams and leagues, and in organised sessions, prefer a 3G surface type because it replicates a good standard natural turf pitch. These facilities have already been covered in the 3G FTP section of this LFFP.

Whilst our priorities will always be football led, we believe small sided facilities provide a good opportunity to collaborate with other sports to deliver high quality spaces for people to play recreational sport. This will be achieved via our PlayZones Programme:

Football Foundation PlayZones Programme

PlayZones are modern, safe and engaging facilities that are designed for recreational football and at least one other sport. There are a range of facility types to meet the needs of different sports. Our research shows us that community engagement is the key to developing great small sided facilities and that we shouldn't try and identify sites without first identifying two key things:

  • Key priority places within the local authority
  • Key priority groups within the local authority

Through this programme we want to address stubborn inequalities in activity levels and access to sports facilities within four priority groups:

  • Lower socio-economic groups
  • Women and girls
  • Disabled people and people with long-term health conditions
  • Ethnically diverse communities

When it comes to small sided facilities one size does not fit all and localised design and ownership will yield the greatest engagement from under represented groups. Activation is also as important as the facility itself for these groups. Suitable places will be identified through a combination of mapping, to include identification of our priority groups and crossover with other multi-sport priorities. Further community engagement will be required for design and delivery. All projects will then need to be developed by a cross sector consortium where partners who understand and represent the people and the place come together to drive the project forward and create access and opportunities for priority groups.

More about the programme can be found on The Football Foundation website here: Football Foundation PlayZones Programme | Football Foundation

2019 small sided 4
Small sided 4.png

Appendix A: Priority project list


This list sets out all priority projects for potential investment. Each has been scored against outcomes; quality, inclusivity, sustainability, engagement and usage as the principal factor.

The list will be used flexibly; project ‘rating’ does not determine the exact order in which it will progress to a funding application to the Football Foundation as many factors influence this. The process for moving a project from this list and into the ‘pre-application stage’ will be managed by the Football Foundation.




Location details:

  • New 11v11 Floodlit 3G FTP (1)
  • New Changing Pavilion (1)

Not known

Deliverability score

Very High (4/4)

NFFS outcome score


Overall score

93% (11.2/12)


There is a shortfall of one 11v11 3G FTP in Hadleigh.

Two potential site locations are identified which are Hadleigh United FC and Hadleigh High School. Both sites require a feasibility study to be undertaken to determine which is the most appropriate site. Hadleigh United FC (26 teams) will be expected to be the main user of the pitch and is an England Accredited 2* Club.

It currently operates two affiliated girls teams and it is expected that this potential project will be able to bolster its ability to increase participation for women's and girls within the area by providing equal opportunities to facility access.

Hadleigh RFC is understood to have significant midweek capacity challenges and any 3G FTP development may provide a multi-sport solution in reducing this issue.

Subject to exploration of potentially feasible site options, there may be need for the development of new or refurbished ancillary provision to support the development of a 3G FTP.

Project Focus

Adult female; Adult male; Disability; IMD / lower social economic groups; Mini-soccer; Small-sided informal; Small-sided recreational; Small-sided teams and leagues; Youth female; Youth male





  • New 11v11 Floodlit 3G FTP (1)
  • Refurbish Changing Pavilion (1)

Football club

Deliverability score

Very High (4/4)

NFFS outcome score


Overall score

88% (10.6/12)


There is a shortfall of one 11v11 3G FTP in Capel St Mary.

Capel St Mary's Playing Field is identified by the LFFP steering group as the most appropriate site for the delivery of a 3G FTP and it has planning consent approved to start development once/if funding is secured. The site is the home to Capel Plough FC (23 teams) which is an England Accredited 2* Club.

It currently operates five affiliated girls teams and one senior women's team and it is expected that this potential project will be able to bolster its ability to increase participation for women's and girls within the area by providing equal opportunities to facility access.

It is anticipated a pitch delivered at this site will also be accessible to East Bergholt Juniors FC (13 teams) which is an England Accredited 1* Club.

The site will require support to increase the capacity of its available changing provision to accommodate a full programme of use for the 3G pitch.

Project Focus

Adult female; Adult male; Disability; Mini-soccer; Pro-club; Small-sided informal; Small-sided recreational; Small-sided teams and leagues; Youth female; Youth male





  • New 11v11 Floodlit 3G FTP (1)
  • New Changing Pavilion (1)

Local Authority

Deliverability score

Very High (4/4)

NFFS outcome score


Overall score

87% (10.4/12)


There is a shortfall of one 11v11 3G FTP in Brantham.

Brantham Leisure Centre has been identified as the most suitable site for development by the LFFP steering group. The current site accommodates two grass football pitches which sit between a cricket square and is likely not suitable for development within the current site footprint due to the impact on cricket. It is working to acquire a separate plot of derelict land which sits adjacent to the Centre on Factory Lane which it would then develop into a 3G FTP.

It is anticipated the main users of the facility would be Brantham Athletic FC (20 teams, England Accredited 2* Club) and Holbrook Hornets (14 teams, England Accredited 1* Club).

Brantham Athletic FC operates four affiliated girls teams and two senior women's teams and it is expected that this potential project will be able to bolster its ability to increase participation for women's and girls within the area by providing equal opportunities to facility access.

A new facility developed on Factory Lane would require accompanying toilet facilities to support the pitch.

Project Focus

Adult female; Adult male; Disability; Mini-soccer; Pro-club; Small-sided informal; Small-sided recreational; Small-sided teams and leagues; Youth female; Youth male





  • Refurbish Changing Pavilion (1)

Football club

Deliverability score

Very High (4/4)

NFFS outcome score


Overall score

85% (10.1/12)


Blackhouse Lane is the home venue for Cornard Dynamos Youth FC. The Club has 27 teams and is an England Accredited 2* Club. It is identified that its existing pavilion which predominantly accommodates for youth football (including girls) requires improvement to enable it to be used as a suitable community space with appropriate toilet facilities and a catering offer for the site users.

The Club currently operates six girls teams from U10 through to U16.

The site was formerly used by Great Cornard CC in 2019. It is currently unused for cricket.

Project Focus

Adult female; Adult male; Disability; IMD / lower social economic groups; Mini-soccer; Youth female; Youth male




Location details:

  • New 11v11 Floodlit 3G FTP (2)
  • New Changing Pavilion (2)

Not known

Deliverability score

Very High (4/4)

NFFS outcome score


Overall score

83% (10.0/12)


The FA has seen unprecedented growth in football over the last five years, particularly in the youth and women & girls game. Overall participation is estimated to grow year on year, equating to an additional 82 teams in the local authority by 2030, of which 30 will come from women and girls. This could represent the equivalent of at least two additional 11v11 3G FTPs.

Allowances have been made for ancillary provision for each pitch if needed, however this is subject to the final agreed location of any additional future provision and an assessment as to whether there are existing suitable facilities available.

Project Focus

Adult female; Adult male; BAME; Disability; IMD / lower social economic groups; Mini-soccer; Pro-club; Small-sided informal; Small-sided recreational; Small-sided teams and leagues; Youth female; Youth male

A project's overall score provides an indication of its potential outcomes and deliverability only (weighted twice as much towards the outcomes score). It does not impact the likelihood or level of any potential investment.

Appendix B: Consultation list


A range of local agencies and local football clubs, including those which are 2* and 3* England accredited, were invited to participate in the LFFP consultation which was carried out as part of a Club Survey. Those that contributed are listed below:

  • Spatial Infrastructure Officer - Babergh & Mid Suffolk Councils
  • Community Officer - Babergh & Mid Suffolk Councils
  • Health, Wellbeing and Sport Manager - Babergh & Mid Suffolk Councils
  • Head of Service - Babergh & Mid Suffolk Councils
  • Director of Foundation - Ipswich Town Foundation
  • Foundation Manager - Ipswich Town Foundation
  • Head of Operations - Active Suffolk
  • Chief Executive Officer - Abbeycroft Leisure
  • CEO - Suffolk County FA
  • Football Development Manager - Suffolk County FA
  • Facilities & Football Development Officer - Suffolk County FA
  • Facilities Planning Manager - Football Foundation
  • Delivery Manager - Football Foundation
  • Planning Manager - Sport England
  • Facilities Development Manager (South) – Rugby Football Union
  • Facilities Planning Manager (Recreational Game) - England & Wales Cricket Board
  • Facilities Relationship Manager - England Hockey
  • National Clubs Manager - Rugby Football League
  • Facilities Manager - Rugby Football League
  • Club representative - Cavendish FC
  • Club representative - Long Melford FC
  • Club representative - Sudbury Sports FC
  • Club representative - East Bergholt FC
  • Club representative - AFC Sudbury FC
  • Club representative - Cockfield United FC

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